Library Index


Academic Facilities During the Islamic Medieval Age
The African City
The American Continuum
An Introduction to West African Modernism
The Anti-Black Roots of Urban Planning and the Social Planning Response, 1880-1930
Anti-Racism and Global Architectural History
Architectural links between the Islamic World and Latin America
Architectural links between the Islamic World and Latin America (SPANISH TRANSLATION)
Architecture and Nation Building in Asia
Architecture and the Spirit of Place
Architecture and Urbanism in Belgium’s African Colonies: Congo, Rwanda, Burundi
Architecture in Colombia (1910-1940): From the Quest for a National Style to International Modernity
The Architecture of Global Modernity, 1000-2000 CE
Architecture of Iranian-Armenian Churches
The Architecture of Public Housing in the Cold War Middle East: The Example of Iran (1948-68)
Armenian Church Architecture
Asian Architecture on the Cultural Borders
Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Architectures
Australian Aboriginal Sacred Landscapes
Between Constantinople and Karakorum
Between Two Seas: Architecture and Urbanism in Puerto Rico
Celts and the Roman Transition
Churches of Moldavia
Coffeehouses and Teahouses: A Global Architectural History
Comparative Global Modern Empires
Contested Spaces: Colony, Plantation, School, Prison, Kitchen, Closet
Continuity and Change in the Architecture of Sub-Saharan Africa
Domesticity Across Space and Time
Earth and the Environment in African Architecture
East Asian Architecture from A Global Perspective: Cultural Transactions and the Development of Traditions
East Asian Architecture from a Global Perspective: Cultural Transactions and the Development of Traditions (SPANISH TRANSLATION)
Environmental Justice: Histories of Contamination and Stories of Resistance
Etruscan Architecture in a Global Context: Life, Death and Transition
First Societies
Free People of Color and the Architecture of New Orleans
Global Cities in Cinema
Global Connections of Synagogues Throughout the World: Over the Past Two Millennia
Global Conservation: Preservation, Reuse And Sustainability
A Global History of Architectural Representations
The Global History of Architecture and Climate
A Global History of Islamic Architecture
A Global History of Islamic Architecture - SPANISH TRANSLATION
Global History of Rock-cut or ‘Chthonic’ Architecture
Global History of South Asian Architecture (part 1 of 2)
Global History of South Asian Architecture (part 2 of 2)
The Global History of South Asian Architecture Part 1 (SPANISH TRANSLATION)
Global History of Water Architecture: Islamic architecture in Maghreb and the Mediterranean Basin (7th to 18th century)
Global Housing in the American Suburb
Global Pandemics and the Built Environment (3000 BCE – 1920 CE)
The Global Turn: Six Journeys of Architecture and the City, 1945-1989
Globalizing a Humanities Approach to Architectural History
Histories Of Heritage: Architectural Conservation And Historic Preservation In A Global Perspective
History by Time Cuts
Identity and the Built Environment: Israel and Palestine
Indigenous Architectures and the Living Landscape of North America
Indo-Saracenic Architecture
The Influences of Catalan Modernism in the Rio De La Plata´S Architecture
Infrastructural Turn
Japanese Architecture 600-1100 CE
Landscape Stories in Inner Asia
Like a Flower We Will Dry Upon the Earth
The Medieval Mediterranean: A Crossroads
The Medieval Town Hall
Mobile Architecture & War
Oceania’s Pathways: Voyaging and Vernacular Architecture
Our North is the South: Latin American Cities in a Global Context
Our North is the South: Teaching and Learning the History of Architecture from the South
Parallel Lives: A Biographical Approach to Early Modern Architecture
Patronage of Hindu Temples
Peripheries of Contact: Beyond Geographies and Historical Flatland
The Persian Garden: Image of Paradise
Petra and the Nabatean World in Context
Petroleum: A Global History of its impact on Landscape, City, and Architecture
Petroleum: A Global History of its impact on Landscape, City, and Architecture (SPANISH TRANSLATION)
Place-Making and World Seeking on the Swahili Coast
The Politics of Social Housing in Interwar and Postwar Turkey
Politics of Water Management Among Early Civilizations
Port Cities Between Global Networks and Local Transformations
Premodern South East Asia: Architecture, Culture and Cities in a Global Perspective
The Quintessence of Pre-Columbian Cities
Race, Culture, and Built Environment in New Orleans, 1700-1940
Race, Gender, and Class: African American Female Architects in the U.S.
Race, Space, and Architectures of Apartheid in South Africa, Past and Present
Roots of Global Hispanic Urbanism: Spaces of Conflict and Cultural Exchange during the Reconquista and its Aftermath
Scales of Modernity
Segregationist Architecture of African Urban Housing in Colonial Kenya
Shaping Place in Mesoamerica
Shrines and Shrine Landscapes: Ancient and Contemporary
Sites and Systems of Global Colonialism
Sites and Systems of the South West c. 600 BCE to Present: the Hohokam and the Puebloans
The Skyscraper: A Global History
Southern African Formations of Spatial Culture
Spirit Roads: From Roads and Tracks to Otherworldly Connections
Strategies of Separation: From Jewish Ghettos to American ‘Projects’
Taiwan Indigenous Architecture
Taverns and Temples: A Global Architectural History
Technologies of Movement and Communication
Time & Space in the Architecture of the Eastern African City
A Towering Memorial: The Robert L. Vann Tower and the Belgian Friendship Building
Water Architecture: Persia and the world 2000 BCE- 1500 CE
What is Art Deco?
Wooden Architecture of Norway, northwestern Russia, and Maramureș (Romania)
Work, Slums, Housing and the Architecture of the Modern City: Challenges and Alternatives to House the Poor in the Developing World
World Travellers of Architecture